For the past twenty years these hands have tended babies, washed dishes, driven the carpool, made crafts with the Girl Scout troop, made heart-shaped lunch sandwiches, brushed knots out of hair and folded countless loads of laundry. They are the hands of a housewife, mother, Girl Scout leader and parent club president. Now I am reclaiming them. They might do the dishes if I am in the mood, but probably not! (Ha ha ha). These are my hands. May 18, 2008.
e shtunë, 24 maj 2008
e diel, 18 maj 2008
Before I Was Fat
Journaling: "These photos were taken in the spring of 1987. I was 22 years old and had just come back from living a year in the Philippines. This was my lowest weight of my adult life. A few short months later I was married and pregant with my daughter, and just kept on gaining weight from there. Now at the age 43 I am at the heaviest weight I have ever been and will use these photos as inspiration and motivation for what I can be. While I can never regain my youth, I can certainly take control of my figure and regain my life!"
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