Title: All Smiles August Book Club Kit
These pictures were taken this summer when we went on our impromptu overnight trip to San Francisco. I just can't get enough of those Foof-A-La buttons! I use them every chance I get. They help draw they eye to the title word "all", which might otherwise be camouflaged. I used white colored Making Memories chipboard letters to accent the white teeth in the smiles. I used part of a chipboard question mark and bracket to create an arrow and my text is printed on velum adhered under a printed overlay.
Title: Venetian July Book Club Kit
This picture was taken at the Venetian hotel after dinner with my family last summer. This kit featured a Hambly Studio printed overlay, which I used in the bottom left corner (it's the black decorated circle). I used the fun new technique we learned from Tim Holtz on ink blending to cover the chipboard in the title and on the flourish. And as I can't seem to help doing, I used my sewing machine to sew all over this layout, LOL.
Title: Fly Baby Fly September Book Club Kit
I took this picture this summer of my daughter. The layout is about giving my daughter wings to grow up and leave me (boo hoo) LOL. The bird in the lower corner is a printed overlay. The title was created with chipboard letters. The "L" is the chipboard square with the letter removed from the middle. Each letter was painted and then adhered to each other. I used a rub-on under the "L" and page pebbles to draw the eye to the title.
Title: The Gap I took this picture of my daughter at one of her summer jobs this year. The text says "Harper has discovered that working at your favorite store is not as much fun as shopping at your favorite store." The floral background is an actual piece of fabric. The title words are Heidi Swapp Ghost Letters that I swiped some black paint on the back of for definition. The journaling was created with an old style label maker.
Title: I WishI took this picture of my daughter this summer as well. I used a child's writing pad from Dollar Tree to journal on. Also used Prima flowers & buttons. The flourish is a chipboard piece that I pained light yellow and coated with ultra fine glitter.